Paul Walker

September 12, 1973 – November 30, 2013

If one day the speed kills me, do not cry because I was smiling


Paul Walker
Paul Walker


This is a shrine to Paul, near the filming location for Fast and the Furious.



Paul Walker’s friend, Roger Roda, was behind the wheel of this very dangerous Porsche.




Cause of Death was released on Wednesday, December 4, 2013.

Thankfully, Paul would only have been alive for a few seconds after the impact.

Findadeath fan, Stan Celmer, turned me on to a site that has the graphic accident photos.  I would post the link, but it’s a porn site.

Paul is buried in Forest Lawn, Hollywood Hills.


Grave Photograph courtesy of Kathleen Dimpfl


Grave Photograph courtesy of Kathleen Dimpfl



4 thoughts on “Paul Walker

  • May 16, 2022 at 8:32 am

    I’ve read numerous times and have watched interviews that said Paul kept the high speed antics on the track and on the big screen, Roger Doda……not so much. Had Paul been driving he probably wouldn’t have driven so recklessly. And anyone who knows cars knows that the Porsche Carrera GT was the last of the “analog” supercars. There are zero driver aids to help you keep control of car. When Porsche unveiled the car in North America Jay Leno famously spun it out on the first curve of the track. He has tons of experience with supercars so why Doda thought he’d do any better is beyond me.

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