March 8, 1921 – January 2, 1990

Alan Hale Jr. Alan and his wife, whom he called, “Trinket,” lived on Orange Grove, in Hollywood.
Their house was number 1418.
He was such a nice guy, never shunning a fan, and always letting rip with that huge laugh of his. He was diagnosed with cancer of the thymus in early 1989. He went through treatment, and thought he had beaten it, but five months later it reappeared in his stomach, and lungs. Even while sick, Alan still kept an upbeat attitude. One of his favorite things to do was visit sick children in the hospital.
Sherwood Schwartz, the creator of Gilligan’s Island told the story of one such occasion:
“There was a boy of about 10 who’d just had a kidney removed. Alan debated whether he should see the boy. Just then the doctor came along and said, ‘Go ahead, he’s waking up.’ Alan went in and the boy looked up in disbelief and said, ‘Skipper?’ Alan said, ‘That’s right son. The Skipper is here and everything is going to be all right.’ Gawd, bring on the Kleenex.
Shortly before his death, he was admitted to St. Vincent’s Medical Center, in Los Angeles.
He knew he was dying, but instead of talking about it, he just remarked what a beautiful day it was. He said he wanted “to stay here until the sun goes down.” His wife sat holding his hand, and she, Alan and a priest prayed. Then, just as the sun went down, Alan drew his last breath. It was Tuesday, January 2nd, 1990. He was 71 years old.
The Skipper was cremated, and on January 6th, his ashes (for the first time, I can say appropriately) were scattered at sea.
I wrote a note of sympathy to Mrs. Hale, and this is what I received from her.
Sweet and thoughtful.
Alan owned a restaurant here in LA called Alan Hale’s Lobster Barrel.
Thanks Nancy for the ad!
You were the best of the best Skipper. Would of been a joy to know you
Since I don’t have a “like” button let me say I like all of the above comments. It’s so nice to see an actor who no one has a bad word to say about. (About which to say? Grammar?) Rest easy Skipper Jonas Grumby.
I grew up watching the castaways on Gilligan’s Island, critics say the show was no good but the humor was there, and there are one liners between the skpper and gilligan that still crack me up to this day. It was a more kind and gentler time. They were better times. I am 64 years old now it is 1/29/22 and I am watching Gilligan’s Island marathon as I write this. Bless their souls Lord. Fair winds and following seas Skipper, you make me smile to this day…
I’m sitting at my computer blubbering like a wee gurrill over that story of his last day. Rest Easy, Skipper. May the wind be at your back…
Rest Well Skipper…..R.Argo
RIP from me and Mark
may you rest in peace alan hale jr
well, he was 68 but math isn’t important right now. Wasn’t his father an even more famous actor?
I think I remember hearing there was a murder committed at the Skipper’s restaurant once…