You might (or might not) have noticed that I am a huge Dolly Parton fan. I mean, I a-dore her. I’ve had the chance to meet her once at a book signing in LA, but last February, I got to meet the bird in person, for real, and fulfill a lifetime ambition to hug her. I also (embarassingly) presented her with a heart shaped box of Altoids. I said, “My heart, for you.” I know, I’m nuts, and she probably thought I was psychotic, but I meant it. Honestly, my face hurt from smiling so much. Anyway, this is me and the girl.
Dolly recently turned down the suggestion of a statue of her being placed in Nashville at the state Capitol. She appreciated the gesture, but didn’t think it was the right time (pandemic and BLM ). But if anyone deserves a statue, it’s Dolly. Her philanthropy is above and beyond; when the pandemic began, she donated one million towards finding a vaccine for covid 19. You’re wonderful Dolly!