Dearly Departed Newsletter – 06/26/2020
Hello there.
First things first. California had a 5.8 earthquake on Wednesday. Probably because of course. There’s nothing else going on. It’s been so peaceful and quiet.
Just a quick update about something you probably figured out anyway—The Doors Tour we do with LA Woman Tours has been canceled due to the cooties. Not a huge surprise but still a stone drag (that’s 1960s slang for “That’s an unfortunate situation.”) For all our joking, we do want everyone to be safe and healthy. We’ll be back.
I Buried Joan
On to happier topics … like horrible deaths. I’ve been busy making YouTube videos during “these unprecedented times” and first up is 60’s I Married Joan TV Star Joan Davis, who died of a simple heart attack in Palm Springs. But wait! That’s not the best part. Er… I mean, the worst part. Her 4 immediate family members THEN died in a tragic house fire. It’s a terrible story. But still. Play along. After all, “We are all in this together.” “Now, more than ever.”
Jim Backus reportedly detested Joan Davis.
Helter Skelter
My next video is about legendary Los Angeles prosecutor Vincent Bugliosi, who put Charles Manson and his merry band of wackadoodle ragamuffins behind bars. He’s also responsible for the best-selling True Crime book of all time, Helter Skelter. There has been talk in recent years about the tactics he used to get the convictions, like… whether or not there was a race war at all… you know, that sort of thing. Let’s set that aside for a moment and reflect on the fact that he prosecuted an exceptionally difficult case under unparalleled scrutiny with creepy defendant/followers who were threatening to slaughter everyone who was against them—and he got the verdict that, let’s face it, everyone wanted.
Mr. Bugliosi was always very nice whenever I met him. So out of respect for him – and I do – here’s a look at the life and death sites associated with “the Bug,” as Manson’s girls called him.
MOVIES, a stripper and Lucy – Oh My
Another video I released this week includes some sites around the Paramount Studios lot, which now includes the old RKO/Desilu studio. There are several stories here, which goes to show how much history is packed into small spaces in Hollywood. People who say Los Angeles has no history can suck it. Sorry, did that slip out? My bad. We have it… and we kill it.
New WAX MUSEUM Video Premiere and a LIVE CHAT on Saturday
I’m obsessed with WAX MUSEUMS and the worse they are, the better.
The Movieland Wax Museum was not far from Hollywood, and it was great (that translates to a 60/40% statue rating). When stars would unveil their statues in person, they would often supply their own costumes. Sometimes would be memorialized with a cement footprint ceremony out in front. Dozens of unusual people left their prints, it was sort of like a mini Grauman’s, but more fun. Herve Villechaize, Liberace, Vidal Sasson…
Well, unfortunately and typically, the place shut down. The statues were sold off and their little walk of fame was destroyed.
Because I’m a glutton for punishment, I documented it’s destruction with photographs and video, and I’ll be inflicting this ruin-porn misery on you by having a “Full-Release” YouTube Premiere of it on Saturday at noon on my YouTube channel.
If you are inclined, click the link on the photograph below – hit the SUBSCRIBE button and you’ll be notified when the video goes “LIVE” on Saturday June 27th at noon Pacific time, and afterward you can join me for a LIVE YouTube Chat. Bring your Q’s.
Can you tell I’m pushing the YouTubes? I have to. It’s my job now, but it’s FREE for you (and if you sit through an ad or two, I would greatly appreciate it.)
Pop in on Saturday and say “Hi!”
Scott and the Dearly Departed Team
Free Entertainment. You heard me.
Oh and please follow us because it’s supposed to be very important.