Dearly Departed Newsletter – 03/26/2020
An update from Hollywood:
For the time being, we have suspended tours because of something we call “the C word”. Clearly not our idea, but it’s now a Crime (literally) for groups of more than 10 people to Convene in California, the land of Cu.. ah…um… Cool people. Our tours will have to wait for our comeback.. no wait, I hate that word. It’s a RETURN! I have no effing idea what is happening from one minute to the next, so we’re just waiting. and waiting. and waiting. When this C word breathes it’s last, we’ll be back. In the meantime, thank you for your support and friendship. In the meantime, we have…
So much FREE entertainment for you!
Because I’m a tourguide and show-and-tell is my game, I’ve been presenting some of my collections on the Youtubes. I have my own channel called Dearly Departed Online and for the past couple of weeks I’ve been uploading some of my autograph collection, and telling the stories of how I acquired them. Sometimes I’ll add a snippit of sightseeing. For instance, during this video I take you for a side-trip to the Happy Days house.
Last Sunday morning I hosted a live chat. Myself and some cyber friends hung out and I told stories and answered questions… it was fun. I think we’re all going a little stir crazy, so I am posting a new video every couple of days. If you would like to be notified of new videos, this is where you go – and hit SUBSCRIBE.
Of Course Manson
I just located an interview I did with Steven Weiss who was 10-years-old when he found the gun used in the Tate/LaBianca murders. If you can overlook the poor video quality and concentrate solely on content, I think you’ll find his story compelling. We met him in front of his childhood home where he actually found the gun. It was a thrill to meet and speak to a man who was a part of the infamous crime.
Here is the interview.
Safe and Sound
Our museum is now officially stored away. You know, closing was one of the most difficult decisions we have ever made and was no easy task. Rest assured, the artifacts (including the Jayne Mansfield car) are all safe!
Just before the shit really hit the fan, I got a nice letter from the Justice for Victims of Homicide organization, expressing appreciation for our most recent donation. As promised, we continue to donate a portion of our proceeds to the organization and I’m grateful they accept it.
Eat the Pod
We have a bonus episode up if you’re a Patreon for the Dearly Departed Podcast featuring deathaversaries in March. There has been a lot of support for our podcast and Mike and I appreciate you. If you’d like to listen to the bonus “mini” episode, you can sign up. The regular episodes will continue to be free. If you enjoy them, please consider giving us a good rating. That’s important to the future of the podcast. At least that’s what I hear.
I think that’s it. Stay safe and healthy and far away from that C word.
Scott and the Dearly Departed Team
Free Entertainment. You heard me.
Oh and please follow us because it’s supposed to be very important.
Social distancing…
Cheers Kfog!
the “c” word….”Chinese”??????
I mean, it’s called “Dearly Departed Tours” after all. With everything else dead in Hollywood I’m sure you can now make a shoot, I mean dang.