On the subject of Death Hag gathereens, which have not been documented very well, this is the most recent. On Monday of Memorial Day (29 May 06) weekend, several of us gathered at the roost of Chickenboy – a Los Angeles landmark that a lot of people think has disappeared. Wrongo keebler. It just so happens that Chickenboy has been adopted by the lovely Amy, and is currently awaiting erection at his new home. This has been a labor of love for Amy – and we love her for it. About a dozen of us (including the fab Death Hag Band Shitting Glitter) gathered to gawk and gander at the former roadside treasure, which used to grace the top of this building
in downtown LA.
Its amazing how many other chickens
you start to notice
after being intimate
with Chickenboy. We then hopped in our cars and drove to Cliftons – the coolest cafeteria in the world.
After lunching at Cliftons, we split and some of us went on to have a very boozy afternoon. A splendid time. Thanks to Kathleen for introducing us to Amy, Jim for Cliftons and Postman Pete for a rare photograph of Chickenboy’s lovechild.