DEARBORN, Mich. (AP) The bus that Rosa Parks was
riding when she refused to give up her seat to a white
man in 1955 will become part of a permanent display at
the Henry Ford Museum after it is refurbished.
Parks, 88, was among those who attended a private
viewing of the unrestored 36-passenger bus on Saturday
on the 46th anniversary of her arrest. The episode
sparked the yearlong Montgomery bus boycott and helped
launch the civil rights movement.
“When I see this bus, I feel courage,” Natalia Tanner,
a pediatrician and professor at Wayne State University,
told The Detroit News. “This was such an unusual woman
and this represents the events that started the series
of events that changed the lives of so many people.”
A Montgomery man, Hubert Summerford, bought the bus in
the early 1970s. He died in 1985, leaving it to his
daughter and her husband.
The museum purchased it for $492,000 and it was removed
Sunday for restoration to its 1955 appearance.
Conservation efforts are expected to cost between
$100,000 and $200,000 and last about a year.
No bus number was written down on police records when
Parks was arrested. There have been questions over the
years as to whether it would be possible to identify the
As for the Julia Roberts tidbit, she has never mentioned
this and if she did the press would try to make her out
to be not only America’s favorite Whore (Pretty Woman)
but the Civil Rights Beauty! You know how the press
is. I know she went to school in Smyrna Georgia and I
lived there in April – July 1985. May have bumped into
the girl and didn’t know it. The city is just north of
Atlanta on Cobb Parkway. Dobbins Air-Force Base is a
mile up the road in Marietta Georgia.
Now you mentioned something else in your MLK Jr story.
You mentioned that the JFK Death mobile is there as well
and it is. There was this guy who was an intern at
Parkland Hospital in Dallas the day JFK was brought in
and he told a SHOCKING story about what happened that
day at the hospital. I’m sorry I can’t remember his
name but he retired in the mid 1990’s and figured since
time had passed (30 plus years) and his career would not
be in jeopardy if he “spoke out” now, he could tell his
story. One thing he mentioned in his book is that LBJ
refused to ride in the JFK Deathmobile until: 1-it was
cleaned, 2-the top was made reinforced and 3-it was
painted a different color. Well, LBJ got his wish. The
President of Lincoln Mercury was brought in from
Cincinnati Ohio to personally drive the car back to the
Lincoln Mercury plant. He had a police escort on the
ground and helicopters above all the way back to
Cincinnati. Now can you image driving that car from
Washington, DC back to Cincinnati Ohio all by yourself
with the smell of blood, brains and flesh?
I know just about everybody has done a story on the JFK
and the Assassination but I think you should just hit
the highlights just like you did with MLK Jr and let us
post our thoughts. You probably would get alot of
people who were there to post comments or at least get
some people with into to share.