June 5, 1961 – November 11, 1999

Mary Kay was one very funny lady, and a very unhappy lady. Though I didn’t know her,the things she said, made me want to be friends with her. She’s of the Gilda Radner genre. Interesting enough, I found this quote:
“My idols were people like Carol Burnett, Gilda Radner, Tracey Ullman, Lucille Ball – in short, comedic actresses who had chameleon-like qualities.”
If you want a sample, here is one, but I warn you, there is language. It’s a take on the old Miss Lucy Had a Steamboat song, and you will be fired if you listen to it while at work.
To make a name for yourself in the voice over business is impressive indeed. As you can see from the cast of characters above, she was involved in South Park, one of the hottest cartoons in ages. Mary Kay started in the voice biz since 1986 and took the controversial job with South Park, initially under the name Shannen Cassidy, because she was afraid of alienating herself. After a year and a half with the successful show, she proudly took credit with her own name. Here’s a great example of her voice work including a Barbie toy phone and
Mrs. Butterworth!!
Mary Kay was living with her husband Dino Andrade in this nice building in Los Angeles.
She undoubtedly parked her car in here.
Guests would ring her doorbell, and be buzzed in through the lobby,
head down this hall to their apartment on this side of the building.
If only she could have lived long enough for us not to have to endure Robin Williams singing Blame Canada at the Academy Awards in 2000. Sorry he’s dead but…
The investigation says that she had been despondent over job-related problems. Definitely depression.
She spoke to a friend on the telephone at approximately 9pm on the 11th. An hour and twenty minutes later, her husband and a friend returned home to find her dead. There was suicide note, and a Mossberg 12 gauge shotgun still pointing at her head.
She had put the barrel against her forehead just above her nose. The top of her head had been blown off and her brain was lying on the carpet, 2 feet away. They found blood, brain matter and skull fragments all around the room, on the walls, and on several wrapped Christmas presents.
Death was pronounced at 10:18 by police. She was only 38.
Mary Kay Bergman has a wonderfully appropriate tombstone at Forest Lawn Hollywood Hills.
This is Mary Kay’s official website.
Mary Kay’s husband Dino Andrade released the following statement:
If you are suffering, if you live with pain, fear, depression or despair, you must seek help. The first step is to speak out, tell someone of your pain. I believe that if my wife had told me of the dark place she was in, I could have gotten her the help she needed and thus she would be alive today. If this plea can reach just one person, and help them to see the light in the darkness, then I will know that Mary Kay’s death was not a waste, but a sacrifice so that another might live.
Contributions to the Mary Kay Bergman Memorial Fund, Didi Hirsch Community Mental Health Center, 4760 S. Sepulveda Blvd., Culver City, Calif., 90230
There is a memorial website for Mary Kay, and there is plenty of great information about this funny, sad woman. Rest in peace, Mary Kay. Please.
Thank you to the folks at Celebrity Collectables, made this autopsy report available to us.
THE SPIRIT OF BERGMAN WILL ENACT REVENGE ON THOSE RESPONSIBLE. They’ve had their moments of fame. Hope it was worth it.
Weird thing to say.
it’s absolutely sad and tragic that Hollywood lost a good lady and that lady is Mary Kay Bergman, she is talented, happy, creative, and entertaining. Mary Kay Bergman had a exciting life by fulfilling her childhood dreams and bring her creative and her voice to life to her favorite fans and viewers across the world and we all love her, but sadly Mary Kay Bergman is no longer with us and we all miss her.
I mean seriously. People that do this are selfish as fuck. If you really want to kill yourself and not be a burden to the people that you love then just leave a note and then jump off a fucking bridge. But no. People go out and do this shit so it makes it harder for decent people to get guns. Makes it harder for decent people to do a damn thing because we’re all worried about these crazy fucking idiots blowing their heads off for taking out a whole block with them on the way to hell..
This bitch had the entire world at her hands and she didn’t even have to look pretty for it. All she had to do was go into a fucking booth and do voices. And get paid godless amounts of money to do so. But no. She wants to I have it all. Because that’s what women do. I’m just finding out about this 22 years after the fact and probably for the best. Doubt I would have become such a huge fan of the show South Park, if I had known that the females from the first few seasons were voiced by a total piece of shit
We should cancel people that are suicide committers
These people don’t give a fuck about their families and if they do then they must just want to make them suffer.
What does a diatribe like this accomplish? what’s the point? You sound rotten to the core and I pity the women in your life. What a steaming pile of shit.
Sound like every right wing trumptard nut. Seek help.
Forget Trump and especially the so-called “conservative party”… Reagan banned automatic guns! THE FOUNDING FATHERS WOULD HAND OUT P90s FOR ALL!
I loathe South Park and while I agree that she did a selfish thing, what the fuck was that about? Have some respect.
And you idiot defending gun culture, no other country has gun massacres every year. They’re not behind still living in the 18th century. Grow the hell up.
FUCK guns.
go fuck yourself loser
Too bad you weren’t Stillborn Kyle instead. How lucky for you that you don’t know the bleak, black horror that is depression. If you did, there’s no way in hell you could possibly say that awful shit.
Where is your source for this? Just curious because if this is the truth and her husband was sleeping around with grey… wtf?
you sound like an absolute piece of shit, people with depression just want to escape
That has to be one of the most ignorant rants I have ever seen.
bruh stfu you stupid ass trump karen scum.
If you think Grey DeLisle had nothing to do with this, it’s time to go back to 2000s animation history 101. Bergman was getting old and her own students gaslighted her out of a life and job.
So you read about this woman taking her own life and your takeaway from that is “women are selfish” and “what about my guns”. It amazes me how the good people are taken away or end their lives, yet we’re stuck with backwoods misogynistic incels like your worthless ass. Please shut the fuck up and go back to your 4chan circlejerk.
/co/ defends Bergman and wouldn’t claim this historyless idiot.
Guns didn’t kill Bergman; infidelity did.
Bergman wasn’t the unfaithful one here. Think, McKyle… THINK! HUSBAND CAME BACK WITH “A FRIEND” TO FIND HER DEAD. THINK!
Eat an entire bowl of dicks. I can only hope no one you know ever does this. Shitbag.
You yhink people committing suicide are the reason it’s harder to get guns? Lol grow up bro. Its because people go out and do things like mass shootings. You’re gonna compare it to suicide? You have some seriously deep seeded issues and you are only contributing to the problem. Sounds like you’re the one who’s suffering
Rich people just cannot take or handle being depressed for any thing for any amount of time. Poor people are fucking used to it. I’ve been depressed and up and down and up and down so many times it’s not even funny. But the thought of blowing my head off so that my loved ones could come in and find my dead body splattered all over the Christmas presents a couple of weeks before Thanksgiving,(Who the fuck wraps Christmas presents and puts them on the ground before Thanksgiving?) It’s something I can’t even imagine. Seriously? What a selfish bitch.
Lmfao im dying laughing at the gun nut ..all of this and all he takes away from it is ” muh gun please sweet baby jesus dont take muh gun!! ” what a clown
Hey dumbass……there’s being sad, depression, and clinical depression. It amazes me how just because someone is rich or famous that they’re not allowed to be depressed or in an emotionally fragile state. Go try and learn something.
I wrap presents around Thanksgiving. Bergman wasn’t aiming for the presents, they just got hit by splatter like the walls. You underestimate the amount of splatter. Bergman’s husband was sleeping around with Grey DeLisle and couldn’t live being betrayed by her own student. Grey went on to introduce frequent pseudo-mexican themes in Scooby media and totally changed Daphne’s character and made her a sex icon. Cyber Chase has Daphne taking off her jacket which was symbolic of her going from feminist to full-blown sex symbol. More and more clothing was removed from Daphne (more than James Gunn did!) once Grey had full control of Daphne. She used Daphne like she used Bergman and holds little remorse. She calls Bergman “MY red angel” in a possessive way and brags about playing Daphne in front of her own kids frequently. This woman ruins all that she touches and the biggest irony is that she’s getting old herself and Daphne will eventually need to be replaced too. One can hope that another Heather North can be found. I would have slept with Heather before Grey, regardless of age. She understood the balance of feminine traits and empowerment, something Bergman emulated very well.
that wendy video singing the “cunt” song isnt even mary kay bergman its eliza schnider I believe who took the role after MKB died
Whoops…that memorial website is no longer about Mary Kay Bergman. Through a versatile URL (mkbmemorial.com) and a bit of “coincidence” (if you believe in coincidence), that site is now a memorial to “Mr. Kobe Bryant”.
I think it’s sad that her husband doesn’t understand the significance of quotation marks and that he’s credited MKB in bronze with being his supposed best friend, his so-called beloved wife, and his quote-unquote “angel”. But then nobody else knows how to use English anymore either so I guess it doesn’t really matter. Now GET OFF MY LAWN!!
Damn kids…
Guess who else calls her angel? It all makes sense when you piece together the obvious but hidden clues.