January 22, 1960 – November 22, 1997

Michael was hooked up with rock chick Paula Yates. She was married to Stinky Sir Bob Geldof when she met Hutchence. They had an affair and Paula left Geldof for her new rock boyfriend. They had a child together, Tiger Lily, and were planning to be married. It never happened.
Special thanks to Adriana for going all the way to Sydney for the pictures we view here. Very kind of you to go all that way for Findadeath. Why don’t more people go all the way for me?
Paula was in the midst of a nasty custody battle for her daughters with Bob Geldof. It was getting ugly. Michael went to Australia and was awaiting Paula’s arrival for Christmas, if she won custody. It didn’t look good. On his last night, Michael phoned Paula, and according to Paula, said, “I love you. I’m going to ring Bob and beg him to allow the children to come over here with you.” Those were the last words he said to her.
INXS was about to start a major tour for the band’s 20th Anniversary that would never happen. Michael was back in his native Sydney for rehearsals.
On Friday the 21st of November, 1997, Michael had his last dinner with his father, at the Flavour of India Restaurant.
Later that evening, Michael was out with his ex girlfriend Kym Wilson and her boyfriend Christopher Stollery.
They hung out in the bar of the Ritz Hotel where he was staying.
Around 11:30, they went upstairs to room 524 and continued the party.
This photograph may or may not be the interior of 524, but it is an image the hotel used to portray a room exactly like it.
They drank a lot, and the couple left the bar around 4 a.m. During that night, Michael supposedly called Geldof to scream abuse down the phone line. “Your f**king children hate you, man. I’m their father, little man. When are you going to realize that?”
Around 9 a.m., Hutchence phoned another ex, Michelle Bennett, to have breakfast. She wasn’t there, so he left her a message. A while later, Michelle picked up the message and went to the Ritz, but there was no answer at Michael’s door. She slipped a note under the door and left.
Around noon on Saturday, the maid came to clean the room – when she got no reply – she entered. Surprise. According to one source the place was supposedly littered with bottles of prescription drugs and booze. What is true is that Michael was found just inside the door, hanging from the spring lever. He was naked, and hanging by his leather belt. No suicide note. No suspicious circumstances. 4 hours later, Michael’s body was taken by hearse, to the Coroner.
He wasn’t quite 38 years old.
Paula arrived in Sydney about a day later.
The funeral was held St. Andrews Cathedral, in Sydney.
Paula was there, along with Tiger Lily. Other attendees were (supposedly) Diana Ross (bitch slap), Tom Jones, Helena Christiansen, Jason Donovan and Kylie Minogue (another Hutchence ex). During the ceremony some twisted fan decided to really mess with people’s heads. He’s on the balcony looking down at the congregation, and announced, “This is how he did it, Paula. This is how he died.” Then he jumped off the balcony, attached to a 4 foot black cord around a dog collar attached to his neck. Of course everyone screamed and got upset. Police got him and hauled him away to the hoo-hoo hotel.
1800 people attended, and instead of hymns, INXS songs were played. A single yellow tiger lily amid a blanket of blue irises adorned his coffin.
After the funeral, Michael’s body was taken the Glebe Mortuary for cremation, and the next day, Paula flew back to Britain with 1/3 of his ashes.
She supposedly stitched his ashes into a small sequined pillow. The other shares went to Michael’s mother, and to his father. They are divorced. His father later spread his ashes in Sydney Harbor.
June 2012: There is a memorial for Michael in Sydney. Here it is. There is a portion of his cremains buried in Forest Lawn, Hollywood Hills.
The coroner officially ruled Hutchence’s death a suicide. As I understand it, Michael was well known for having a voracious appetite for sex, as did Paula. There was no scene untapped and I sincerely believe that he died doing the auto-erotic asphyxiation. The coroner does not agree. Neither does the family, which is why I think that’s why the coroner said that. The family was basically putting their fingers in their ears, singing “Mary Had a Little Lamb” when it came to Michael’s sex life making news. I figure they thought suicide was more dignified. As death at your own hands goes.
NEW MAY 2002: Scott Stanton, author of the Tombstone Tourist, sent me Michael’s official coroner report. From reading it, I can see why people object to the theory that Michael died in a sex game gone wrong. It’s almost convinced me. Thanks Scott!
I have received a completed police brief into the death of Michael Kelland Hutchence on 22nd November, 1997, at Ritz Carlton Hotel, Double Bay. I am satisfied that the cause of death was “hanging”. I am also satisfied that there was no other person involved in causing the death.
The question of whether the death was a suicide or not has to be considered. The directory was found at 11.50 a.m. naked behind the door to his room. He had apparently hanged himself with his own belt and the buckle broke away and his body was found kneeling on the floor and facing the door.
It has been suggested that the death resulted from an act of auto eroticism. However, there is no forensic or other evidence to substantiate this suggestion. I therefore, discount that manner of
With regard to the question of suicide I have to be satisfied on a strong balance of probabilities before I am able to come to such a conclusion. There is a presumption against suicide. Having considered the extensive brief I am satisfied that the standard required to conclude that this death was a suicide has been reached for the following reasons:
(1) Michelle Bennett, a former de-facto of the directory, received two telephone calls from him on the morning of the 22nd November. The first was on an answering machine and Mr Hutchence sounded “drunk”. During the second call at 9.54am the directory commenced to cry and according to Ms Bennett sounded “very upset”. She was concerned about his demeanour and for his welfare and told him she would come immediately. However, when she arrived at the hotel she was not able to rouse him by knocking loudly on his door nor by ringing him. She wrote a note and left it at reception. Ms Bennett stated that Mr Hutchence never expressed previous inclinations regarding suicide.
(2) The directory’s father, Kelland Hutchence, dined with him the previous night. The directory was in good spirits, however appeared very worried in regard to the outcome of a custody suit in London. Mr Hutchence could offer no explanation as to why his son would take his own life.
(3) Ms Kym Wilson and Mr Andrew Rayment were with the directory in his hotel room from sometime after 11 p.m. and left about 5am. According to Ms Wilson the directory appeared to want both of them to remain with him to offer support if the result of his custody hearing was unfavourable. His mood was described as “elevated, however pensive when discussing court proceedings”. All three persons consumed alcohol, including vodka, beer and champagne together with cocktails during this time.
(4) Whilst Ms Wilson and Mr Rayment were in the room (when) Ms Martha Troup, the directory’s personal manager, rang from New York. Then later at 9.38 a.m. she received, via voice-mail, a call from Michael Hutchence in which he said: “Marth, Michael here. I f…ing had enough.” She rang the hotel immediately and the telephone rang out. A further call was received at 9.50 a.m. on Ms Troup’s telephone answering machine. The directory sounded as if he was affected by something and was slow and deep. This call worried Ms. Troup and (she) spoke to John Martin the tour manager for INXS about her concerns. Mr Martin refers to a note received from the directory stating that he was “not going to rehearsals today”. The rehearsal was to be the last one prior to the start of the tour and was quite important.
(5) Ms. Paula Yates provided a statement. She provided background to the custody dispute between her and Sir Robert Geldof. She stated that she rang the directory at some time prior to 5.38 a.m. on the 22nd November and he told her he was going to beg Geldof to let the children come out to Australia. She had told the directory that the custody matter had not been finalized and was adjourned until the 17th December and she would not be bringing the children out. Ms. Yates stated that the directory sounded “desperate” during the conversation.
(6) Sir Robert Geldof received two telephone calls from the directory, the first at about 6.30 p.m. London time on (the) evening of 21st November. It was of a short duration and Geldof asked the directory to call back. The second call was received by Geldof about 5.30 a.m. on 22nd November, Sydney time. This call was of some length. Geldof refers to the directory’s demeanour as being “hectoring and abusive and threatening” in nature. He refers to the directory as “begging” to allow him to let the children come to Australia. He did not sound depressed during the conversation. A friend of both Geldof and Paula Yates, Ms. Belinda Brewin, confirms the substance of the conversation between the two. A statement obtained from a Gail Coward, the occupant of the room directly next to the directory’s room, alludes to her hearing a loud male voice and expletives emitting from the directory’s room about 5 a.m. that morning. I am satisfied that she was hearing the telephone conversation between the directory and Geldof.
(7) A statement obtained from the mother of the directory, Mrs Patricia Glassop, confirms her opinion that the directory was in a depressed state.
(8) In December 1995, Michael Hutchence was first prescribed Prozac by Dr J. Borham, a London medical practitioner, to treat a pre-existing depressive problem. He was last so prescribed on 1st November, 1997. A London psychiatrist, Mr. Mark Collins, was consulted by the directory on 17th October, 1997 in regard to a minor depression being experienced by him. According to the doctor there was no hint of suicidal thinking by the directory.
(9) An analysis report of the directory’s blood indicates the presence of alcohol, cocaine, Prozac and other prescription drugs. On consideration of the entirety of the evidence gathered I am satisfied that the directory was in a severe depressed state on the morning of the 22nd November, 1997, due to a number of factors, including the relationship with Paula Yates and the pressure of the on-going dispute with Sir Robert Geldof, combined with the effects of the substances that he had ingested at that time. As indicated I am satisfied that the directory intended and did take his own life.
I am also satisfied that this death is one in which nothing will be gained by holding a formal Inquest. The identity of the directory, the date and place of death and the manner and cause of death are clearly set out and the time and expense of holding an Inquest is not warranted and therefore such will be dispensed with. May I offer to the family of Michael Hutchence my sincere condolences on their sad loss.
Glebe. 6th February, 1998
Post script: Paula was way angry when she found out that Hutchence’s will was settled without her approval. In the agreement, Paula was supposed to receive $400,000, and their daughter Tiger Lily got half of her father’s $14 million fortune.
Michael’s family got nasty with everything. I mean really really nasty. The father tried to get custody of Tiger, and actually claimed that Michael came to him as an apparition, and told him to get Tiger away from Paula. Don’t get me started on the mother and stepsister. Assholes.
Paula died in September of 2000.
Bob Geldof was awarded custody of Tiger Lily.
December 15, 2001 Findadeath.com friend in Texas, Michelle – writes in: I’m sure this is a known fact, but when Michael’s solo album was released here in the states (I was the only person that bought it) there was some touch up work done. Bono (GAG) added vocals to the track “Slide Away”, which was a marginal hit here in Texas.
Have a listen………it’s kinda haunting.
May 3, 2002: I was listening to an entertainment report on a morning radio show the other day. They said the people in charge of Michael’s estate just finished paying off everything, and settling everything. At the end of the day, when he died he was worth a pittance of $50,000.00. I guess Tiger Lilly can use the cash for the legal costs to change her name. Thought you might like to know, love the site.
Thanks, Greg.
This just in, May 2003, from Findadeath friend Rod Miller:
Thanks for the info, Rod!
This is the second time I have seen a decedent referred to as a directory. What’s up with that? A directory is a phone book!
He is one of many famous musicians that faked his death. I believe he is still alive.
Oh yeah. Him, Elvis, Tupac, Biggie, Kurt Cobain and John Lennon all got together and started a new supergroup together in Area 51. Ya got any evidence to back up that he faked his death? Didn’t think so.
I’m a Sydneysider and was at University at the time of Michael’s death. A fellow student, who was apparently a relative of Michael, stated that the cause of death was ‘auto eroticism gone wrong’
This was commonly accepted gossip throughout the city at the time and I heard it from several different sources.
Make of it what you will…
Paula Yates was adamant that Hutchence would never suicide and leave Tiger Lily, therefore it “must have” been auto-eroticism gone wrong. Yates to police, and I quote “he liked to fuck me up the arse and strangle me at the same time, he was into it”.
She, however, had no problem despatching herself IN THE COMPANY OF 4 YEAR OLD TIGER LILY (!!!) a couple of years later.
A fucked-up bunch
I remember the Saturday he died I was drinking in the bar Nice ‘N Sleazy’s ( named after the Stranglers 1978 single ) on Sauchiehall St. in Glasgow , Scotland , and the TV was playing the news and announced his death. A huge cheer came from the pub clientele , which says a lot about the clientele of that particular pub – a right grubby dump full of grotty looking unwashed student types. It once won an award for having the rudest staff of any bar in Glasgow in the mid 90’s. Also , I remember being at the nightclub Bennetts in Glassford St. in Glasgow , Summer 1991 ( a long running gay nightclub which is closed now , but has been reopened as another gay club called AXM ) , Tuesdays nights there used to play a lot of goth / indie / electronic / 80’s / synth , and at the time it was one of the few places to go midweek. This particular Tuesday INXS must have been gigging as I was standing talking to friends , minding my own business , drinking ald listening to music when this officious looking moustachioed bouncer shoved me and said ‘ out the way you !! ‘ . Of course in walked Hutchence and his entourage . I’m almost 100 % certain Kylie was with him. I remember this midget in high heels scurrying past with them and i’m sure it was her. Even in heels she was a smurf. I just remember being a bit pissed off at being shunted about , and how orange his face looked. Prick. That’s my 2 Hutchence stories , for what it’s worth.
“Midget” “Smurf”. You’re the one who sounds like a prick. Too bad he didn’t punch you in the face.
Just read the book by the mother and sister. They claimed Michael never wanted to marry Paula & that she basically chased him, wore him down. It’s a interesting book explaining their actions & interactions with Paula.
Also watched a show off the last 24 / autopsy of Michael. Prior to his death , under one of his influences, he had a lit cigarette and had gone to sleep. It burned down to the bones of his fingers.
Unless Paula was the executor of Michael’s will she would have no control over the distribution of his assets.
I never expected to read these factual articles, I am so glad I have. I always loved Paula & watched the live show where she met Michael on the bed, it was sex without the act. I was happy for both of them & their baby. I will NEVER EVER FORGIVE Geldof the DEVIL, he killed Michael & Paula, because of his jealousy.
Rest in Eternal Peace Michael & Paula. So missed. 🕊🕊🕊🕊
A few updates in the 20 years since Michael’s death. He wasn’t cremated at the Glebe coroner’s court, that was an investigative facility and never had a crematorium on site. He was cremated at Northern Suburbs Crematorium, where the memorial is located https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/4525/michael-hutchence whether any of his ashes are interred here I don’t know, since apparently Paula got some, and his father sprinkled a portion of the ashes on Sydney Harbour on Michael’s 38th birthday, January 22 1998.
Of more interest, Michael Hutchence was the victim of a one punch attack in Copenhagen in 1992, and apparently suffered some brain damage from hitting his head on the pavement. The effects of such an injury weren’t as widely known in the 1990s, but it’s now known traumatic brain injury can result in change in personality, mood and impulsive behaviour – traits witnessed in Hutchence in the last few years of his life; he’d been an easy going, open book kinda guy but after the attack suffered from mood swings and depression. His suicide could well have been a symptom of the problems with mood regulation after his brain injury. https://www.abc.net.au/news/2019-06-29/mystify-michael-hutchence-film-sheds-light-on-singers-injury/11248762